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As you may already be aware, osteoporosis is a disease affecting over 8.9 million Americans. What you may not know, however, is that osteoporosis is largely preventable.
100% PURE® cosmetics are colored from vibrant fruit, vegetable, tea and other plant pigments which contain an exorbitant amount of skin beneficial vitamins, antioxidants and other healthy phyto nutrients that make skin healthier. Most other cosmetics are colored from FD&C dyes like Red Dye #40, Blue Dye #6, Yellow Dye #5, etc which could contain harmful coal tar, lead, mercury and other heavy metals.
World Oceans Day is held annually on June 8, and 2018's action focus is on preventing plastic pollution, which kills more than one million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals per year.
One of the very common allergens prevalent in creating allergies in specific people is dust. The allergic reactions shown by some people might be as a result of inhaling dust or dust mites. There’s a need to get rid of both effectively which brings a question of which you should get rid of.
Summer means hot sticky weather, but why sacrifice wearing makeup? I love wearing natural mineral powders in the summer because they are lightweight, but offer a lot of visual impact. My favorite brand is Au Naturale Cosmetics. They offer a full range of vegan, gluten free, paraben free, cruelty-free, and organic color cosmetics, so everything they make is PURE!
Children need healthy sleep for enough hours for them to incorporate all they learned during the day into their long-term memory. According to the Sleep Foundation, one-year-olds need 11 to 14 hours of sleep, school-age children between 9 and 11, and teens between 8 and 10 hours. In addition to memory retention, children need enough sleep for optimal development and alertness. Researchers believe that too little sleep affects growth and weakens the immune system.
For a limited time, we are offering a special $20 off a yearly business listing at as part of our relaunch celebration. has been an online eco-friendly business directory since 1999, promoting green business to like-minded people.
Bitcoin has had a crazy ride over the past few years and is currently experiencing some stability which of course draws more interest as an investment possibility. If you're the type that's open to risk and attracted to the allure of anonymous currency, then perhaps Bitcoin, or offshoots of it, are for you.
The legislation prohibits the distribution of sunscreens containing chemicals that scientists have found contributes to coral bleaching when washed off in the ocean.
While many product lines usually fit into one category or the other, ATZEN® is unique in combining Pharmaceutical Grade, Green, and Cosmeceutical ingredients. The ingredients are developed by leading laboratories in the USA, Europe, and Asia. Pharmaceutical Grade ingredients are the highest quality of ingredients (higher quality than cosmetic grade). Green ingredients and manufacturing methods respect the environment and protect your health. Cosmeceuticals have medicinal or healing elements.
Here's a few EASY things you can do to help our planet this month, and every day of the year!
Today's households are much safer and more hygienic than the homes our ancestors kept in previous centuries. Thanks to stricter laws, technological advancements, and greater awareness of certain health and safety risks, our household products are now required to pass certain tests and include certain labels in order to be sold in the United States. But if you think that means every ingredient is safe, think again!