What is BPA and Why You Should Be Concerned

Bisphenol A (abbreviated BPA) is an organic compound with the formula (CH3)2C(C6H4OH)2. Bisphenol A, commonly used in plastics and polyesters, has become controversial because it mimics estrogen and thus could induce unhealthy hormonal responses. Bisphenol A’s most popular use is in Polycarbonate plastic, which is clear and nearly shatter-proof. It is used to make a […]

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Cows High on Pot Aren’t so Mad

Yes, we knew the title was catchy. What’s better, is it’s true. According a New Zealand pro-cannabis groups, there is scientific evidence that cannabis can stop the development of mad cow disease. According to the report, a French study showed cannabidiol might be effective in preventing bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), known as mad cow disease. […]

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Al Gore Warns of Accelerated Climate Change Crisis

burning earth

Regardless of personal opinions, Al Gore’s unwavering dedication to raising awareness about global warming is undeniable. During a recent address, Al Gore emphasized that climate change is progressing at a much faster pace than even the direst predictions of the UN’s Nobel Prize-winning scientific panel on climate change. Recent data suggests that “the climate crisis […]

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Biofuel Potential in Africa

International experts will convene in Burkina Faso for three days this week to discuss the prospects for biofuel production in Africa, conference organizers said Monday. The talks, which open on Tuesday, will bring together more than 300 specialists from Africa, Europe, and the Americas to evaluate Africa’s potential to produce biofuels — whilst assessing the […]

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China’s No Car Day

In a positive step to promote environmental health, China will initiate its first-ever nationwide “no car day” this weekend to help alleviate increasingly gridlocked urban roads, stated China Daily Monday. According to the report, residents in 108 cities will be urged to take public transport, ride bikes or walk on the nation’s first “no car […]

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