Can A Vinegar Hair Rinse Help With Hair Loss?

vinegar helps hair loss

Why Vinegar Has Been Used for Centuries for Hair and Scalp Care The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar is a potent antimicrobial which can kill bacteria and fungus, common underlying causes of dandruff and hair loss, making it a fantastic natural cure. When hormones called androgens are to blame, hair follicles become damaged over time and hinder their ability to […]

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Are Household Chemicals Making You Sick?

Are household products making you sick?

Today’s households are much safer and more hygienic than the homes our ancestors kept in previous centuries. Thanks to stricter laws, technological advancements, and greater awareness of certain health and safety risks, our household products are now required to pass certain tests and include certain labels in order to be sold in the United States. But if […]

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What is BPA and Why You Should Be Concerned

Bisphenol A (abbreviated BPA) is an organic compound with the formula (CH3)2C(C6H4OH)2. Bisphenol A, commonly used in plastics and polyesters, has become controversial because it mimics estrogen and thus could induce unhealthy hormonal responses. Bisphenol A’s most popular use is in Polycarbonate plastic, which is clear and nearly shatter-proof. It is used to make a […]

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