Celebrating Earth Day: 25 Action-Packed Ideas for a Sustainable Future

Earth day 25 list

Earth Day is more than a calendar date; it’s a springboard for a sustainable future! […]

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Bernie Sanders Is Calling for For Global Peace – You can Help.

The idea of Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un sitting in a room and not escalating an already tense relationship does not seem possible.  For there to be some hope of peace between the US and North Korea we need to put some adults in the room.   Currently, the Trump white house has no North […]

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Al Gore Warns of Accelerated Climate Change Crisis

burning earth

Regardless of personal opinions, Al Gore’s unwavering dedication to raising awareness about global warming is undeniable. During a recent address, Al Gore emphasized that climate change is progressing at a much faster pace than even the direst predictions of the UN’s Nobel Prize-winning scientific panel on climate change. Recent data suggests that “the climate crisis […]

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